Hotel Star Chitwan

About Hotel Star Chitwan

Hotel Star Chitwan was established at 2000 AD with limited facilities and different name in Ratnanager,Chitwan. Hotel Star Chitwan (HSB) begun to get recognized as one of the most versatile company after the establishment of Swoyambhu Party Place (with slogan of ALL Nepal Rental Catering Services) in Kathmandu on 2007. Since it’s establishment Swoyambhu Party Palace has been able to provide world class catering services in National and International Level program. It has got the certificate of appreciation from UNMIN, UNDP, UNICEF, Ministry of Peace & Reconstruction,2nd National Scout Jamboree, US Air Force and many more for it’s service. Swyambhu party palace was renamed to Star Banquet in 2012 AD. It has two branches, which are located in chitwan.


Ratnanager-1, Nippani, Chitwan, Nepal


Total Rooms
